Dad Jokes: Where would we be without…?

Why do spiders enjoy computers so much?
They like to play on the web.


Why was the restaurant owner having a tough time getting his website running?
Because he didn’t have a good server.


Why did the computer screen get in trouble with his mother?
Because he was a cursor.


How do flowers stay in touch on the internet?
With their bud-dy lists.


Computers enjoy what popular snack?
Chips and dip.


How do you keep a computer’s breath fresh?
Give it a docu-mint.


What music do computers like to dance to?


Why did the computer call the exterminator?
It had a mouse.


What kind of shirt does a computer wear to school?
A lap-top.


Why did one font dump the other font?
He wasn’t her type.


Why was the computer wearing a muzzle?
So it wouldn’t byte.


Was the computer’s road trip to California fun?
Yes, but it was a hard drive.


What do you call it when you love your music collection?
A CD Rom-ance.


What is the new way to cure a sick computer?
Treat it with modem medicine.


How do computers get placed in honors classes?
They go through a screen-ing process.


Where do DVD players like to vacation?
In remote islands.


How do you borrow a camera?
Someone lens it to you.


Which stereos give the finest lectures?
The ones with the best speakers!


Why did the old-fashioned camera find the digital camera so annoying?
Because she was always talking and he couldn’t shutter up!


Which television shows are the cleanest?


Where did the camera take his date?
To a film.


Why aren’t photographers fun to have around?
Because of their negative attitudes.


What do phone stores do?
They cell phones, duh!


What do phones exchange when they get married?


How do prisoners stay in touch with each other?
With their cell phones.


How do amoebas stay in touch with each other?
With their cell phones.


How do you get off the phone with a closet?
You hang up.


What happened at the football game between the cell phones and the cordless phones?
The ref made a bad call.


Why do surgeons get so many phone calls?
Because they’re big operators.


What do you send a telephone when it’s one year old?
A birthday cord.


How do you get a book to come to the telephone?
You page it.


Where do most telephones live?
In Connect-icut.


What’s the best way to get in touch with your mother?


What’s a good name for an ATM machine?


Why do you need an ATM machine to make pizza?
That’s where you get the dough, silly!


How do fingers communicate on a computer?
By e-nail.


How did the police officer stop the runaway refrigerator?
She yelled, “Freeze!”