Dad Jokes: Facing the Music

What is the most dangerous instrument to play?
The Bermuda Triangle.


Why was the piano locked out of its house?
It lost its keys.


What musical instruments are donated to hospitals?


Why do musicians do so well in class?
Because they take lots of notes.


What’s a drummer’s favorite part of a chicken?
The drumstick.


Did the drum win the contest?
No, it got beat.


What physical trait improves your violin playing?
A clef chin.


How did the violin get into the orchestra?
It pulled some strings.


Why was the big violin annoyed with the little violin?
Because it was always fiddle-ing around.


Can you clean your teeth with a musical instrument?
Yes, use a tuba toothpaste.


What instrument boils hot water when you play it?
The kettle drum.


What vegetable plays the drums in a rock band?
The beet.


What seafood dish do saxophone players eat?


How did the trumpet do when he auditioned for the orchestra?
He blew it.


Why didn’t Billy toss his kid sister in the air?
He didn’t want to harm-Monica.


Why was the cello so upset?
It was only making a bass salary.


Which pants make beautiful music?
Bell bottoms.


What instrument do dogs play?
The trom-bone.


What instrument is ideal for shopping at the mall?


What did the piccolo’s mother tell her child?
“Don’t piccolo your nose!”