Dad Jokes: School Days

Why didn’t the teacher call on the light bulb for answers?
Because it was a bit dim.


How can you get your ballpoint pen to march?
Yell, “Left! Write! Left, write, left!”


What’s best to write with?
It de-pens.


What grade did the eyeball get in math this year?


What class do snakes teach at school?


What is the best tool in the classroom?
The scissors… they’re a cut above the rest.


What’s your teacher’s favorite dessert?
Chalk-o-late cake.


Where can toddlers plant flowers at school?
In the kinder-garden.


How do omelets get into school?
They have to pass an egg-zam.


Why are prisoners good at biology?
Because they know a lot about cells.


When are teachers most annoying?
When they get test-y.


When are teachers awesome?
When they have a lot of class.


What happens when a cartoon character gets in trouble at school?
Suspended animation.


Where do you go to study art?


What do future bankers love most in school?
Show ’n’ teller.


Where in school are you most likely to catch a cold?
In the cough-ateria.


What do trees use to take notes at school?
Loose leafs.


What do baseball catchers get assigned a lot of?
Home work.


Why did the brush get grounded?
Because she didn’t comb home by her curfew.


Why did prehistoric people have such bad teeth?
Because they got a lot of cave-ities.